Movies in Philadelphia
Recently, I’ve really been getting into independent movies. I mean, I love a good Hollywood blockbuster every now and then, but sometimes I want to see something a little different and unpredictable. Luckily, Philadelphia is home to a great “indie” type movie theatre called The Ritz. You should check out their website!
They have 3 different locations, so they always have a variety of movies to choose from! For instance, they are currently showing 12 different movies! A couple of weeks ago I saw “The Orphanage,” a Spanish horror movie about a woman who returns to her childhood home, which is an orphanage for handicap children. Her young son starts talking to ghosts, and well, risking sounding like a huge wimp, it scared the hell out of me!
I’m really looking forward to seeing a movie currently showing called Caramel. It’s a film about a group of Lebanese women living in Beirut. I have spent a lot of time in Beirut, and Arabic-language movies on the big screen are fairly hard to come by in the U.S., so I’m really excited! It will also be fun to watch this movie with my American friends, and in turn, expose them to a little bit of Middle Eastern culture!