Before you graduate in Education Leadership at GSE, you have to write a Master’s thesis on a topic of interest to you. My paper is basically a literature review on the topic of teacher recruitment and retention. I worked really hard and long on this paper, so I’m happy to say that I submitted it to my advisor, Dr. Lytle, on Tuesday. It’s a weight off my shoulders to finally have finished it, but I still have to meet with Dr. Lytle to talk about it next week. Although having to make changes is not something I’m looking forward to, getting Dr. Lytle’s comments and suggestions will ultimately make my paper better, which is something that I am looking forward to. I consider myself lucky to have someone so well-respected and knowledgeable give me his feedback. That’s something I really like about GSE. Most students work closely with their advisors and other faculty. For me, this part of my education is priceless.
FYI, GSE is hosting an open house for accepted Master’s students this Monday (April 7). I look forward to meeting those of you that attend. Please contact me if you have any questions about this event or general questions about GSE.